Monday, March 18, 2013

Excruciating Pain...

Listening to BOTT radio the other day i ran into an interesting conversation on the word excruciating.

ex·cru·ci·at·ing  (k-skrsh-tng) (adj.)
 1. Intensely painful; agonizing.
2. Very intense or extreme: wrote with excruciating precision.

What i found interesting was the root and origin of the word.
"Ex" is the latin root for "out of"
Latin definition of "Cruciere" is "cross" and "to torture"

English word excruciating found it's origins from the experience of those that died by crucifixion. With all the Tylenol, Advil, and morphine available today, it's easy to never experience excruciating pain. Pain that makes you pass out. Pain that hurts physically, mentally, and emotionally. Christ wasn't the first or last person crucified, but He was the only one that did it for the sins of mankind.

The pain Christ endured is sobering to think about and hard to relate too.