Monday, May 19, 2014

Purging Life...or at least attempting.

I laughed tonight as I remembered when my sister had two kids I'd go over to their house and think, "Wow, this place wouldn't be too bad if she'd just clean up once in awhile."

It's funny because now I have one kid and somehow my garage is a disaster, there's always dishes on the counter, the "1-yr projects" have turned into the "hope-to-get-to-someday projects", clothes always need washed, the landscaping is a wreck, grass needs mowed, I'm stepping on toys, finding things I lost months ago, and it's hard to tell if we're gaining. This post I'm leaving pictures out.

Actually, we are gaining. But we've had to put some put some things on hold, post-pone some projects, and become frequent donators to Goodwill. We keep working on the rule if we haven't worn/used an item in a year, it needs to go.

I don't know what happens when Jr. starts moving...

1 comment:

  1. hey!!!

    haha ( : good for you, keep getting rid of stuff! you won't regret less.
