Thursday, April 2, 2015

My "Not Going Into Labor Day"

Today has been a great day.
I went to bed super early last night- exhausted after working my hours for the week Monday-Wednesday.. The good news being that I have Thursday-Sunday off. Good sleep is one of the more difficult parts of the last month or 2 of pregnancy for me. I battle really terrible heartburn- triggered by coffee, eating too late, eating too much, etc. So anyways.. I slept awesome (which means I only got up 3-4 times to pee but slept hard in between ; )
I woke up before Jones and just laid there enjoying the moment. I felt so good (also kind of rare at this stage). I decided to not even think about/make a plan for "if I go into labor today"- no thoughts of who I'd call, what if Jeremy is driving truck an hour away and misses it, taking every twinge as a possible "pre-labor" sign, etc.
Since I couldn't find any eggs I decided today would be a good day for Bob Evans.. But instead of taking my 17 month old into a restaurant myself- we did curbside pickup- I stayed in sweat pants and Jones in jammies. I thoroughly enjoyed my western omelet and Jones loved his pancake and eggs I shared with him.
After breakfast I bundled Jones up and we went outside. Jones LOVES being outside. He runs and plays, picks up sticks and explores our backyard. (Which probably seems really big compared to our living room.) He honestly smiles really big pretty much the whole time- today being about 45 minutes. While he was playing I tackled the outside windows on the back side of our house- something I've been wanting to do- but am always either too exhausted to do or working- I'm going to enjoy that when I'm inside with a new baby.
We came inside (Jones was terribly sad=needed a nap) and my dear friend Jane S. asked if she could stop by and bring me a Starbucks, talk and pray together. We have a really, really special friendship that God has used to really encourage me. I'm really thankful for her. So Jane came and brought some flowers, a fun drink, and great encouragement. I felt so blessed.
Then my sister Tianna (Jeremy's sister actually but they've become like sisters to me so forget the in law part)... asked if she could come over and make me lunch. So after Jane left, Tianna came and made amazing chicken taco soup:) Then Mom Stieglitz also stopped in to chat and have some lunch- she also graciously volunteered that her and Tianna would be happy to clean out my fridge for me ; ) I accepted without hesitation. Jones was beyond excited to have his aunty and grandma here to play and kept doing his "happy feet" dance and impressing them with all of his best tricks.
I was also able to catch up on laundry, wash the inside windows, talk to my mom and brother Luke today. Sweep my floors (well I'm actually hoping to get to that), make supper and eat it with Jeremy and Jones (also a little rare as I work evenings or am usually not feeling inspired to cook or we're out to eat with people we love lately.)
Tonight we're hoping to go for a walk, and then maybe just relax.
It's been a great day. I should have a "I'm not going into labor day" tomorrow too I think.  


  1. What a great day filled with great people.

  2. love this :) thankful for such great people surrounding you!
